Installable Soil Classification Systems

These files are provided "as-is" with no warranty as to their accuracy. It is the user's responsibility to verify that the selected classification method program conforms to the latest applicable standards.

CLSuite4, LabSuite4 and Enterprise Suite support the addition of new soil classification methods via downloadable modules. The list below provides download links for specialized soil classification methods from various state Departments of Transportation and other organizations.

To install one of these classification methods, follow the directions given in the Install it: section for your classifier (below).

Available downloadable classification methods (alphabetical):

Illinois Department of Transportation

This module implements the textual classification system shown on Figure 2.3 of the Illinois Department of Transportation's Geotechnical Manual (January 1999 edition).

  • Install it: Save this file to the program's shareable config. file directory (click this link for help in finding the proper directory).
    Finally, restart your GEOSYSTEM program.
  • Use it: The ILDOT soil classifier includes a data entry screen where you can enter the percent sand, silt and clay for your soil (if it isn't automatically determined through an associated grain size test), and review the ILDOT textual triangle. To view the data entry screen, select "Test" > "Enter Classifications Data", then "Window" > "ILDOT".
  • Print it: You can include the ILDOT classification on your grain size, Atterberg and moisture-density data summaries by selecting it as your preferred classification system: To do this, select "Options" > "Program Setup", click on "General Settings" under "Chart Reports" in the left-hand navigation panel, then select "ILDOT" as the "Preferred classification system". This selection will also include the ILDOT classification on select moisture-density, grain size and Atterberg chart reports.
    You can also print a report featuring the ILDOT textural triangle: Select "Test" > "Enter Classifications Data", then "Window" > "Reports", then finally "Report" > "Chart Report Format" > "Basic ILDOT Textural Triangle Report".
  • Notes: If you're entering a grain size test in order to have the program calculate the percent sand, silt and clay for you, download, install and use the IL DOT particle classification available here.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

This module implements the textual classification system described in §5-692.603 of the Minnesota Department of Transportation's Grading and Base Manual (June 2002 edition).

  • Install it: Save this file to the program's shareable config. file directory (click this link for help in finding the proper directory).
  • Use it: The MNDOT soil classifier includes a data entry screen where you can enter the percent sand, silt and clay for your soil (if it isn't automatically determined through an associated grain size test), and review the MNDOT textual triangle. To view the data entry screen, select "Test" > "Enter Classifications Data", then "Window" > "MNDOT".
  • Print it: You can include the MNDOT classification on your grain size, Atterberg and moisture-density data summaries by selecting it as your preferred classification system: To do this, select "Options" > "Program Setup", click on "General Settings" under "Chart Reports" in the lefthand navigation panel, then select "MNDOT" as the "Preferred classification system". This selection will also include the MNDOT classification on select moisture-density, grain size and Atterberg chart reports.
    You can also print a report featuring the MNDOT textural triangle: Select "Test" > "Enter Classifications Data", then "Window" > "Reports", then finally "Report" > "Chart Report Format" > "Basic MNDOT Textural Triangle Report".
  • Notes: If you're entering a grain size test in order to have the program calculate the percent sand, silt and clay for you, make sure that you use the AASHTO particle classification system (look in the "Classification system" dropdown box on the "Sample Info." screen shown when you start entering a new grain size test). This system determines the sand, silt and clay percentages based upon the size ranges given in §5-692.603(C) of the Grading and Base Manual.

Ohio Department of Transportation

This classifier implements the modified AASHTO classification method described in §603.1 of the Ohio DOT Specifications for Geotechnical Explorations manual (02/19/2008 version).

  • Install it: Save this file to the program's shareable config. file directory (click this link for help in finding the proper directory).
    Finally, restart your GEOSYSTEM program.
  • Use it: Currently this classifier does not have a data entry window. If you haven't entered grain size and Atterberg test data, use the AASHTO data entry window ("Test" > "Enter Classifications Data", then "Window" > "AASHTO") to enter the data required for both the AASHTO and ODOT soil classification.
    You can check the calculated ODOT classification by moving your mouse over the underlined "Classifications" word in the toolbar at the top of the screen (look for "ODOT=..." in the little popup window that appears).
  • Print it: You can include the ODOT classification on your grain size, Atterberg and moisture-density data summaries by selecting it as your preferred classification system: To do this, select "Options" > "Program Setup", click on "General Settings" under "Chart Reports" in the lefthand navigation panel, then select "ODOT" as the "Preferred classification system". This selection will also include the ODOT classification on select moisture-density, grain size and Atterberg chart reports.
    We've also included a modified version of the GSSINGLE grain size test report form that includes a specific box for printing the OHDOT classification instead of the AASHTO classification. To use it, select "Test" > "Enter GrainSize Data", then "Window" > "Reports", then finally "Report" > "Chart Report Format" > "Single-curve grain-size report with OHDOT class.".

If you don't find the soil classifier you need, please use our support form to request it: We'll be happy to add to our list!