Optional Maintenance Contracts

We strive to provide the best possible overall software to our customers. To achieve the optimal balance of robust and feature filled software with excellent support and reasonable prices we have chosen to offer 2 levels of product maintenance. Our standard level which comes with the software offers free technical support by e-mail and paid upgrades. Recognizing that there are organizations which would prefer to always have the most current software, and also prefer to speak on the phone about software questions, we also offer paid product maintenance. It is available at the time of license or upgrade and for 30 days thereafter. The benefits are simple:

  • Telephone Support - Toll Free Number Provided
  • All Upgrades are Free of Charge
  • Automatic Notification when an Applicable Update is Available

Maintenance contract prices are set at 15% of the current program license fee per year. The minimum term is 2 years and it is renewable anytime within the term of the contract, or for 30 days after the end.

If you have purchased software within the past 30 days and would like a quote for the cost of a maintenance contract for your recently licensed software please contact GEOSYSTEM Software sales at +1 970-223-8788, Option 1.

Sample Maintenance Contract