The WELL Legend Table

The WELL legend file list stores the monitoring well sections that are displayed in the Monitoring Well Installation Schematic dialog; also, the descriptions for these sections are used when printing a legend. Well legend files are made up of:

  1. The Well ID: This is the shorthand notation that you can type during data entry to choose a section of monitoring well without displaying the Monitoring Well Installation Schematic dialog.
  2. The Backfill: This is a collection of up to five stratigraphy symbols chosen to represent the well backfill. On sections of the well that don't have a backfill (e.g., an above-ground riser), the backfill field is left blank.
  3. The Pipe: This is the type of pipe or top-cap used for a section of the well. Since the pipe may not extend all the way to the bottom of the drilling, the "Pipe" entry field may be blank for some well sections.

To add a new monitoring well section to the legend file:

  1. Open the project's legend file.
  2. Click on "WELL" in the list shown on the left side of the screen.
  3. Locate a blank card then click on the Well ID field for that card.
  4. Enter an ID: This can be basically any combination of characters (up to 13), but it should be something that you can remember since you'll be typing it in during data entry.
  5. Press Tab then choose the stratigraphy patterns that are to represent the backfill for the new section. (You can use the symbol selection dialog to choose patterns by clicking on the button to the right of the backfill field.) If the new well section doesn't represent a backfilled area, leave the field blank.
  6. If you would like to have your backfill shown in a color besides black, drop down the Back-fill Color box and select a color.
  7. Press Tab then choose the pipe or top-cap that will be used by the new section -- again, you can use a symbol selection dialog to make the appropriate selection by clicking on the small button to the right of the pipe field.
  8. If you would like to have your pipe shown in a color besides black, drop down the Pipe Color box and select a color.
  9. Press Tab then enter a description for the new well section. Keep in mind that the description that you enter will be printed on any hard copy legend that includes the new well section.