When you're entering your data, LOGDRAFT looks to a file called a data entry form to determine the prompts and data entry fields you should be presented with. Each project file has at least one data entry form that is automatically associated with it: When you begin entering data into a project, LOGDRAFT looks to see what data entry form has been associated with the project, then shows the data entry prompts defined by that data entry form. Projects can use multiple data entry forms so you can, for example, have a data entry form for entering monitoring well data, another for entering borehole data and a third for entering the coordinates of a survey point. For example, the following project uses two data entry forms: one called "BORELOG" that's used with the borings and monitoring wells stored in the project, and a second called "SURVEY" that's used to enter the data for "Base Point".
Use of Data Entry Forms in a Sample Project
- When you create a new project file LOGDRAFT automatically selects a data entry form to use with the project -- any new sources that you add to that project use that data entry form. Once the project's created you can select a different data entry form by choosing Project > Default Data Entry Form.
- When you create a new source, LOGDRAFT uses project's default data entry form with the new source; however, you can override the program's choice by using the techniques discussed in this section. This is how you can have different sources using different data entry forms (such as a test pit form plus a boring log form plus a monitoring well installation form) in a single project.
Once you've entered your data you're ready to print it -- for this, the program uses another type of file called a report form. Report form files tell the program about the general layout of the report you will be printing: LOGDRAFT adds your data to them to produce a finished report.
- Because data entry forms and report forms are separate, you can print a project entered using one data entry form with a number of different report forms. For example, you can print the same data onto a boring log report, a subsurface profile report and a data summary report.
- Many data entry forms are set up to accept data in either US units (dimensions in feet and inches, densities in pcf, etc.) or SI units (meters and centimeters, densities in kg/cm2). Report forms, however, usually print data in only one kind of units, so, while you can get by with using the same data entry form for entering both US and SI projects, you'll need two report forms: one to use with your US projects and a second one for your SI projects.