LOGDRAFT can spell check an entire project at a single pass, or just a single source. Note, however, that you cannot spell check data that you have entered into any of the program's laboratory testing modules.
To spell check an entire project:
- Choose Project > Spelling.
- If you already have a source folder open, LOGDRAFT will ask if you want to check just that source, or the entire project. Choose to check the project.
LOGDRAFT displays the Spell Check Dialog (shown in the following figure): - Spell checking automatically proceeds until LOGDRAFT finds a word that it thinks is misspelled. At that point the procedure is halted and the word in question is highlighted. LOGDRAFT provides a list of possible spellings for the word in the Suggestions box.
Spell Check Dialog
- LOGDRAFT starts out by suggesting words that are spelled similarly to questionable word. If you can't find the correct spelling for your word in the list, click on the Sounds Like button: LOGDRAFT will present a new list of suggested words that sound like the word in question.
- Clicking on one of the suggested spellings places it in the Change to: field -- you can also type your own spelling into this field. Once you have the correct spelling, click on the Change button to change the word and continue with the spell check.
- If LOGDRAFT is continually stopping the spell check on a field that you're using to enter abbreviations or something else that isn't plain English, use the Skip Field button to have the program not spell check a particular data entry field.
If LOGDRAFT stops on a word that you know is correctly spelled you have several options:
- Click on the Ignore option to have LOGDRAFT proceed with the spell check without changing the word. The next time the word is encountered the software will again halt the spell check.
- Click on the Ignore All button to have LOGDRAFT proceed with the spell check and ignore the word -- the software will not halt the spell check if it encounters the word again.
- The problem with the Ignore All option is that the program forgets about the word once the spell check is completed -- the next time you start a spell check the word will again be flagged as bad. If you instead click on Learn LOGDRAFT will add the word to a custom dictionary: LOGDRAFT will never again halt the spell check on that word. (This section gives instructions on viewing and removing words from the custom dictionary.)