Managing Multiple Company Names

If you've licensed one or more GEOSYSTEM laboratory test packages, you may find that you need to have the lab. test reports display a different company name than what's printed on your boring log form, or you may need to have lab. test reports display a different company name or site location on a project-by-project basis. (Typical situations are when soil testing and drilling are performed by separate legal entities housed under one roof, or when one a central office is used to produce reports for one or more branch offices.) To do this you will need to begin by requesting an additional license file from technical support. After you've received the new license files and saved them into your program directory, you can switch between licenses like this:

  1. Create or open a project file.
  2. Select Project > License, then, from the menu that pops up, click on the company name and site that's going to be associated with your project.

If you receive a license showing a different city or state, you are not being granted the right to use the software at that location. The software may be used to produce reports showing the alternative location, but it must be installed and used only at the site listed on your license agreement.