Laboratory Testing Software

In addition to storing and plotting boring logs, LOGDRAFT interfaces with the GEOSYSTEM for Windows line of laboratory test modules. These modules -- which may be purchased with LOGDRAFT or purchased at a later date and plugged-into LOGDRAFT -- reduce and plot the data for common geotechnical laboratory test procedures such as mechanical and hydrometer grain-size analysis, swell/consolidation tests and soil classifications.

If one or more of GEOSYSTEM for Windows test programs are licensed, then links to them will appear below each card on the subsurface table. These links look like the hyperlinks seen in a web browser: this figure shows a card with links to the Grain Size Distribution program ("GrainSize"), USCS, AASHTO, USDA, BURMISTER and BS5930 classification programs, Swell/Consolidation module ("CONS"), Atterberg Limits ("LIMITS") and Moisture-Density ("PROCTOR") programs.

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