Creating a Summary/Export Configuration File

Create the data summary or export configuration file by filling in the Title, Figure No., Page Heading and Table boxes:

Report title

The text in this box will be printed at the top and center of the printout, and may include whatever information is desired. (In this figure, the title is Grain Size Distribution Test Summary.)

Figure number

The Figure no. prompt allows the user to specify a starting figure number which increments once for every page of the data summary printed: If a figure number is entered, it is placed at the bottom of each printout. Figure numbers may be a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters:
are all valid numbers. The program will take the last number in the string (1 for the first and second examples, and 10 for the third), and increment that, producing
for the second page figure number.

Alphabetic figure number sequences are also supported. For example:
A-1a, A-1b, A-1c...
A1, B1, C1, D1...
To use an alphabetic or figure number, enter the beginning number at the Figure no. prompt; before the alphabetic character that is to be incremented every page, place a caret (^). The first example above would be entered as A-1^a; the second example would be ^A1. Note that if the starting page/figure number is "a" or "A", you are limited to a total of 26 figure/page numbers: in the first example, after page "A-1z", the program will omit the page number on subsequent pages.


When printed, the report includes built-in top, bottom, left and right margins; you can add additional white space around your report by clicking on the Margins... button.


The Fonts... button allows you to select the typefaces and point sizes used for the printed report's title, the page heading field titles, data in the page heading, table column titles, and the data printed in the table. See this section for more information.

Data filter

You can narrow down what data are included on the printed report by entering an equation into the Data filter box. When your summary is printed, the data filter equation is evaluated for each sample card's worth of information: if the result is 0 or false then the data from that card won't be listed. As a simple example, if you wish to only list the data taken between 10 and 15 feet below ground, you would want to specify a filter such as:

(DEPTH>=10) and (DEPTH<=15)

Select sources

Normally when a report is printed, the program collects data from every source folder included in the currently open project. However, the program also includes an option that allows you to specifically select from which source folders data will be taken. To utilize this option, check the Select sources box.

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