Changing a Source's Default Report Form and Vertical Scale

Each source can be associated with a unique report form and/or vertical scale: When you open a boring, etc., for editing (see Section Error: Reference source not found) and select Source > Print Report or Source > Preview Report, LOGDRAFT draws a report based upon the report form and vertical scale selected for the current source.

While you're entering data for a source, the report form and vertical scale that would be used if you choose Source > Print Report or Source > Preview Report is shown at the bottom of the data entry screen (see this figure): click on the Report field to choose a new default report form or click on the Vertical scale field to choose a new vertical scale.

When you choose a default report form and vertical scale, you're only choosing the form and scale that will be used when you select Source > Print Report or Source > Preview Report. You can still print other types of reports through the Print > Reports menu selection.