Adding Graphical Symbols

You can also use any of the symbols entered into LOGDRAFT's graphical symbols files as annotations (the graphical symbols files holds the sampler and stratigraphy symbols, the pipe symbols, and, more importantly for annotating, miscellaneous symbols such as groundwater symbols, well pump symbols, seepage symbols, etc.).

To add a graphical symbol as annotation:

  1. Choose Annotate > Add Graphical Symbol. LOGDRAFT responds by displaying the Graphical Symbol dialog.
  2. Once the symbol selections have been made, click on OK to proceed.
  3. Next, move the crosshair cursor to the point where the upper-left corner of the symbol is to be placed and click the left mouse button. Alternatively, select Point from the pop-up menu to place the symbol exactly at a specific coordinate. (This option is discussed in detail in this section.)