Automatic Report Export

CONS can automatically export versions of its test reports into a selected hard disk subdirectory. This feature can be used to maintain an archival copy of a project's reports (which is useful because it's always better to store your data in as many formats as is possible if you want to be able to review your results many years down the road), or, if your webserver's directories are available from your local network, you can make your test reports web-accessible by configuring CONS to automatically store copies of each test report in a webserver directory.

If you select Options > CONS Setup then click on Automatic Report Export in the left-hand navigation panel, you'll be presented with the following options:

Chart report (Adobe .PDF format)

If this option is checked, CONS will automatically export the test's chart report in a format readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Summary report (Adobe .PDF format)

If this option is selected, CONS automatically exports the test's summary report into an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file.

Raw data (XML format)

If this option is selected, CONS exports an XML file listing the test's data and calculated results.

Path to exported files

This is the file path to where you want to store your exported files. If the path does not exist, the program will offer to create it for you when you click on the dialog's OK button.

Reset Path to Default

This sets the Path to exported files to be a directory called "Bindery" stored inside your project's data file folder, which is useful if you want to export your reports as an archival copy of your data.

Create .PDF pages in A4 page size

If this box is not checked, CONS will export your reports as letter-sized (8.5" x 11.0") pages; if the box is checked, the .PDF reports will be created as A4-sized (210mm. x 297mm.) pages.