Selecting Options > Setup General Options then clicking on Profile Reports in the left-side navigation panel brings up a page containing a single setting controlling how borings that use a three-dimensional coordinate system (i.e., northing, easting and elevation) are mapped onto a two-dimensional subsurface profile. The software has two methods of laying out the borings:
- Cutaway places the borings by projecting them onto an imaginary line connecting the two borings in the set that are farthest apart. All other borings are plotted along this line in order of increasing distance from the left-most (as seen in the plan-view) of the two borings that are farthest apart. The overall effect is one of a cutaway view, where the cut was made on a line between the two borings farthest apart.
- Roving viewpoint places borings along the profile proportional to the distance between the boring and its nearest neighbor to the left. For instance, if boring B-1 is 2 times as far from its right-hand neighbor B-2 as B-2 is from its right-hand neighbor B-3, then B-1 will be placed twice as far from B-2 on the profile as B-2 will be from B-3. This has the effect of continually shifting the viewpoint of the observer to always be perpendicular to a line drawn between each pair of adjacent borings.
- When all of the borings selected for inclusion on the profile lie along a straight line, the cutaway and roving viewpoint options will produce identical profiles.