Many LOGDRAFT reports include figure numbers that you can change. Additionally, although normally LOGDRAFT reports are set up for numbered pages starting with "1" for the first pages, you can modify your form to start numbering pages starting with a page number that you select before printing (see this section).
Unless you've modified your report form LOGDRAFT always numbers the pages of printouts starting at "1" for each new boring printed.
- When you're printing a report that is specific to a single source, such as a boring log or a project summary, LOGDRAFT uses the figure and page numbers entered on the subsurface data entry screen (see the screenshot in this figure). The figure number remains the same for each page of the report printed for that boring.
- When printing a subsurface profile or summary that includes information from more than one source on a single page, LOGDRAFT includes Starting Figure Number and Starting Page Number prompts on the Report form tab of the Report Settings dialog. For these types of reports, figure numbers are incremented by 1 on each page of the report.
- Legends have their own figure and page numbers which are entered from the Legend form tab in the Report Settings dialog.