Choosing a Report Form

After you've chosen sources to be printed you need to choose the format of the reports: LOGDRAFT can print your data in a potentially unlimited number of formats (recall that LOGDRAFT reports are created by placing your data on a predefined report form). The Report Form tab of the print configuration dialog lists the report forms currently installed on your computer and allows you to choose the one that will be used to print your reports.

To choose how your reports will look:

  1. Choose Print then either Reports, Subsurface Profiles or Subsurface Graphs.
  2. Click on the Report form tab.
  3. If you've chosen the Print > Reports menu, you have a choice of printing a) Scaled subsurface reports, b) Summaries or c) Multi-source summaries (the table below lists the differences between each choice): Begin by clicking on one of the three options.
  4. Next, make your form selection by clicking on one of the forms in the list.
Scaled SubsurfaceThese are reports like boring logs, test pit logs, well installation
logs, etc. Scaled subsurface reports list the information encountered
below-ground scaled so that 1 vertical inch or centimeter of paper
equals X number of feet or meters of boring.
SummariesSummaries present a tabular listing of the data encountered in a
single boring, test pit, etc. Summaries aren't scaled by depth, but
they are sorted by depth, so that the data taken at ground level are
listed first, then, for example, the data taken at 1 meter below
ground level, 2 meters below, etc.
These are special variety of summaries that can list the data from
multiple sources on a single page; e.g., if, after printing Boring
B-1, the program finds there's space to list part of the data from
Boring B-2 on the same page it will do so with a Multi-source
summary. Regular summaries always start a new page for each
source printed.

Types of Reports

Click here for information on changing your report's figure and page numbers.