USDA Chart Report Settings

LabSuite can produce chart reports featuring the USDA textural triangle. The software offers a single feature for customizing the report: The chart report title, which is a single line of text shown at the top of the report, can be changed by selecting Options > Program Setup and then clicking on USDA Chart Reports underneath Soil Classifcations in the navigation list at the dialog's left side.

LabSuite can be set up to automatically export a .PDF version of the USDA chart report whenever the sample's classification changes (i.e., because you've changed the sample's grain size distribution or Atterberg limits data). To do this:

  1. Begin by turning on the program's automatic chart report exporting option: Select Options > Program Setup then click on Automatic Report Export in the left-side navigation list, and make sure that the Chart report (Adobe .PDF format) option is selected.
  2. Next, turn on the option to export USDA chart reports (the automatic USDA chart report export is a separate option because most users do not need these reports): Click on USDA Chart Reports underneath Soil Classifcations in the navigation panel, then make sure that the Automatically export USDA chart reports as .PDF files box is checked.