Chart reports may be reviewed and printed by selecting Window > Reports (Window > USDA Reports to view the USDA chart report), or by clicking on the Reports navigation tab. From this window you can:
- Combine tests from several samples onto a single report page.
- Change a report page's figure number.
- Select a different format for printing chart reports.
- Preview and print chart and summary reports.
The Report Preview Window
About Report Pages
On the left side of the screenshot is a box listing the chart report pages that have been set up for the current project: each sample tested will be shown on one of these pages. Some chart report formats can support printing more than one sample's test on a single page (for example, each page in the screenshot supports up to 5 tests -- one page in the sample is currently set up to print three tests (Boring B-3, samples S-1, S-2, and S-3) and the other holds two tests from Boring B-4).
- Tests shown in gray will not be printed on the report because the report form that you've selected does not have room for them. (This happens when you create a page with, e.g., 5 tests, and then change to a report format that has room for, say, a single test per page.) You should drag these tests onto a different page or move them to their own report page; otherwise they will never print. (If you click on the Auto. Combine button, the program will fix the problem for you.)
Following is a list of actions that you can take from this window:
You can move tests from one page to another
The program adds a new report page to the list for every test that you enter. So, after you've entered all of your project's tests, you'll have a list of report pages, with one test on each page. Since most report report formats can show more than one test on a single page, you may want to combine several tests onto one report page. To do this, drag the test (such as, e.g., the Boring B-4,S-1
test in the screenshot) from its own report page and drop it on another page.
You can have the program automatically combine tests onto report pages
Rearranging tests onto different report pages can be tedious...fortunately, computers excel at tedious tasks! If you click on the Auto. Combine button, will try to combine as many tests onto a single report page as possible, with one caveat: will only combine tests onto a single page if they were taken from the same material source.
You can assign a figure number to a report page
Each report page can list a figure number. To set a page's figure number, click in the underlined area next to the word Figure at the top of the report page in the left-hand list, then type in your figure number.
You can move a test onto its own report page
To do this, drag the test off of its current report page onto the yellow area at the left side of the screen (i.e., drop the test anywhere but on another report page).
You can move a test into a new position on the report page
Drag and drop the test to a higher or lower position on its current report page in the page list.
You can change the format of the report pages
The software ships with many different chart report formats that you can use for printing your test data. (You can view samples of all of the program's report formats by clicking on the Preview Forms button.) To select a new report format, click on the button shown in the following figure:
Selecting a Chart Report Form