LabSuite's moisture-density test data entry window may be viewed by selecting Window > Test Data or by clicking on the Test Data navigation tab.
Click on one of the topics below to jump directly to a help section:
Test Specifics
This is an optional item. If entered, the curve number be used as follows:
- It will appear on the test's printed reports.
- LabSuite will use the number for identifying the soil during the one-point curve matching process.
- If licensed, the GEOSYSTEM Quality Control - Density (QC-Density) program uses this number as a reference for determining the maximum dry density associated with a particular field density test.
Use this box to select the specification used to perform the test (e.g., ASTM D698 Method A). This selection is important: it determines the sieve used for denoting oversize material, the oversize correction method, the default test mold volume, etc.
- If your test's specification isn't in the drop-down list, use the program's test specification editor to add it before continuing.
This is an optional item that will be reported on hardcopy printouts if entered. The sample specific gravity is not utilized in any of the program's calculations.
- This value will be automatically copied from the Quick Test window if you enter your specific gravity test there.
Several chart report formats offer the option to draw a single zero air voids (ZAV) curve that represents the upper moisture-density boundary for a saturated soil at a particular specific gravity. The ZAV curve specific gravity field allows you to select the specific gravity used in the ZAV curve drawing equation.
- Other chart report formats, such as PRCOE, include three pre-defined ZAV curves representing specific gravities of 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8. LabSuite ignores the contents of the ZAV curve specific gravity when one of these formats are used.
- LabSuite offers prompts for both the sample and ZAV curve specific gravity so that in situations where a specific gravity test has not been performed on a sample, the user may estimate the specific gravity for the purposes of drawing the ZAV curve.
- Entering
for the ZAV curve specific gravity or leaving the field blank will cause the program to omit the ZAV curve from reports featuring a single, user selected ZAV curve.
Sieve Percentages
For test specifications requiring an oversize material correction, the correction calculation requires the percent retained on a specific sieve representing the boundary between the oversize material and the material used for the compaction test. The Percent oversize field should be used to enter the percentage of material larger than whatever sieve is specified as being the oversize sieve by the test specification (see this section for details on setting up a new test specification).
Percent smaller than the #200 sieve
This is an optional item that will be reported on hardcopy printouts if entered. The value is not utilized in any of the program's calculations.
- If grain size test data have been entered for the sample, the program will automatically obtain the oversize and #200 sieve percentages from the grain size distribution curve.
Oversize Correction
This is the specific gravity (typically the SSD bulk specific gravity) of the oversize material. You do not need to enter this value if you are not correcting your test results for the presence of oversize material.
This is the moisture content of the oversize material; again, you do not need to enter this value if you are not correcting your test results for the presence of oversize material.
Proctor Test Data
LabSuite accepts data for up to six moisture-density test points, with one or two moisture-content evaluations per test point. (Checking the Average two moisture content tests per point option in the toolbar at the top of the window allows you to enter two moisture contents per test point: the program averages the results of the two moisture content tests to determine the test point's moisture content.) Except in the one-point test case, the program requires a minimum of three test points, with each point requiring the following data:
Wt. mold
These fields are used by the program to determine the soil density. Note that the weights may be entered in either grams or pounds: The Units for mold weights selection in the toolbar determines which units will be used.
- Because the same mold is normally used for all of the test points, the Wt. mold entered for the first test point is automatically repeated for the other test points. If the mold weight does change, a new weight may be entered for any point.
LabSuite requires the volume of the compaction mold, in either cubic feet or liters, depending upon the dimension units assigned to the project file on which you're working: If you've configured the project to use SI units, enter the mold volumes in liters; for a US unit project, enter your mold volumes in cubic feet. (To change your project's dimension units, start your GEOSYSTEM program, open the project, then select Project > Dimension Units.)
- LabSuite automatically selects a default mold volume based upon the mold diameter and mold height given for the test specification chosen in the Test specifics box. The default volume may be changed for any point.
If the option to enter container weights as tare IDs has been selected, data entry for the moisture content portion of the test begins by selecting an ID from the drop-down tare ID list. Once an ID is chosen, Tare field will be automatically filled in with the weight corresponding to that container.
- If you haven't yet entered the container and its weight into the program's container list, see this page for instructions on adding it. Alternatively, the tare ID field may be left blank and a tare weight may be manually entered.
Wt. d+t
These are, respectively: the weights (in grams) of the wet soil and container, dry soil and container and the container by itself.
- If the Average two moisture content tests per point toolbar check box is selected and data are not available for a second moisture content test, leave the second moisture content test fields blank; LabSuite will utilize only the data entered for the first (and only) moisture content test.
California Test Method 216 Test Data
For California Test 216 tests, the following data are required:
Enter the tamper shaft graduation reading here.
Enter the weight of the soil sample minus the tare weight. Note that the units used can be toggled between grams and pounds by changing the Units for soil weights box in the top toolbar.
Enter the amount of water added or subtracted to the tested sample. (For samples that have had moisture removed via aeration, enter the amount of water removed as a negative number.)
- If you've selected a test specification that uses the
CT-216 with added moisture content tests
test method, the test data grid will also include prompts for entering each sample's moisture content. See the discussion on entering moisture contents for a standard Proctor test for more information.