To display a chart of the particle size distribution curve, select Window > Chart, or click on the Chart navigation tab.
- (FYI: "Cu" stands for Coefficient of uniformity; "Cc" stands for Coefficient of curvature and "F.M." stands for Fineness Modulus.)
If you find that your test data has resulted in an irregularly shaped curve, you can reshape it from this screen:
To reposition the curve:
The shape of the curve may be adjusted by forcing it to pass through a new point. To do this, select Curve > Add Shaping Point. When the mouse cursor changes to a cross, move the cursor to the location desired for the curve to pass through, then click the left mouse button. The new point (called a shaping point) will be marked with a "+".
When shown on a chart report, the curve will pass through the new point, although no marker will be plotted to mark the point.
To delete a shaping point:
To remove a shaping point, select Curve > Delete Shaping Point, then move the mouse cursor close to the shaping point (remember, shaping points are drawn with markers that look like "+" signs) then click the left mouse button.
To remove all shaping points:
Select Curve > Delete All Shaping Points.
If the curve's shape cannot be adjusted satisfactorily, you can select Curve > Do Not Draw Curve: This stops the program from drawing the curve on the chart report. Markers showing the position of each test point will still be drawn.
Related TopicsSelecting the .45-Power Curve Maximum Density Line
When plotting a diameter^0.45 grain size chart, the program can be configured to draw a maximum density line from the chart origin to 100% finer at a selectable maximum particle size.
To select a maximum particle size:
Drop down the toolbar list box labeled Max. dens. size and choose a sieve size from the list.
To turn off the maximum density line:
Select << omit >>
in the Max. dens. size toolbar list box.