Entering AASHTO Classification Data

Select Window > AASHTO to view the AASHTO M 145 classification window.

Note that many or all of the AASHTO data entry fields will be automatically filled in with data calculated by the program from your grain size and Atterberg limits tests. If you haven't entered these tests into the program yet, do so now:

  1. Select Test > Enter GrainSize Data.
  2. Enter your grain size distribution data.
  3. Select Test > Enter LIMITS Data.
  4. Enter your Atterberg limits test data.
  5. Select Test > Enter Classifications Data.

The AASHTO Classification Window

Sieve percentages

Enter these values as numbers between 0 and 100.

Atterberg limits

Enter the liquid and plastic Atterberg limits for the soil.

Highly organic soil

Checking this box forces the soil's classification to be A-8.