Specification Envelopes

Specification envelopes provide upper and lower percentage boundaries for various particle sizes. For example, your client may specify that a given delivered material consist 100% of particles smaller than 3/8", and contain a total of 10% to 20% particles smaller than the #200 sieve.

During data entry and on printed reports, LabSuite uses specification envelopes to flag tests that do not pass your or your client's requirements. For example, some chart reports such as GSPASS include a table listing the percent finer for each sieve size, along with the specification (if any) for that opening size and whether the test passes the specification.

Specification envelopes can be shown visually on particle distribution charts, as you can see in the following sample:

Grain Size Distribution Chart with Specification Envelope

LabSuite is shipped with a database of standard specification envelopes taken from ASTM, AASHTO, Superpave and ISSA (International Slurry Surfacing Association) standards. You can also add your own envelopes to the database:

  1. Select Options > Program Setup, then click on Specification Envelopes in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Click on the New button in the Envelope box on the right side of the dialog.
  3. At the Name prompt, enter a unique name for your envelope (i.e., not used for one of the specification envelopes already stored in the program's database).
  4. After you've entered your envelope name, pressing Enter brings you to the specifications grid. For each sieve in your specification, enter the sieve's opening size and the specification's lower and upper boundaries.

If two or more computers will be used to access your test data you'll want to make sure that the specification envelopes you use are available on every computer that accesses the test data. You can do this by making sure that the package's shareable config. files directory is set up to point to the same network directory on each computer. To do this, start your GEOSYSTEM package, then, from the program's opening screen, select Options > Setup General Options, click on Files in the following dialog's left-hand navigation dialog, then fill in the right-hand Report, data entry form and shareable config files path box with a network directory. Do this procedure on every computer, starting with the computer you've been using to enter specification sets. (The software will copy those sets from their current location to the new network share point only if the share folder hasn't been accessed by another computer first.)