If you perform several different grain size test procedures, or test radically different types of materials (such as riprap and filter media), you'll find yourself constantly switching between different grain size test settings. For example:
- Riprap may require the chart scales to stretch from 3" to 42".
Filter material is plotted on a log(size) vs. probability chart
Soil tests are conventionally plotted on a log(size) vs. percent retained chart.
LabSuite can save your grain size settings selections; before entering data for a new test you can recall a saved group of settings to ensure that the program is properly configured for the type of material tested. For example, you can load the Riprap settings before entering a riprap test, or load the Filter settings before entering a filter test, etc.
- Every test entered into a given GEOSYSTEM project file shares the same configuration settings. Because of this, if the tests that you've performed for a given project need several different configurations, you'll need to create a new project file for each different configuration.
To save your current program settings:
- Select Options > Program Setup then click on Saved Settings in the navigation list at the dialog's left side.
- In the Save this configuration as: field, enter a name: When you start a new test that uses the same settings, you load them from the Current saved settings: list by clicking on your chosen name.
To use your saved settings for a new test:
- Open the Settings dialog (Options > Program Setup).
- Click on Saved Settings in the navigation list at the dialog's left side.
- Click on your settings name in the Current saved settings: box then click on the Load button.
- To delete a saved batch of settings click on the settings name in the Current saved settings: box then click on the Delete button.