Selecting Options > Program Setup and clicking on Charts underneath Atterberg Limits in the navigation list at the dialog's left side allows you to modify the appearance of the Atterberg blows vs. moisture and plasticity charts:
The ASTM D2487 (USCS), AASHTO M 145 and AS 1726 soil classification standards incorporate a chart of liquid limit vs. plasticity index; the format of this chart is unique to each standard. Plasticity chart style selects which type of plasticity chart will be shown on Atterberg limits chart reports. After selecting the plasticity chart type, make sure to select the option to show the plasticity chart on reports instead of the blows vs. moisture chart.
This determines the value at the right side of the blows scale, and is typically 40. Regardless of your choice, the program will automatically expand this scale if you pick a number that is too small to plot a particular test's liquid limits values.
Select the moisture scale minimum and maximum values
Checking this box allows you to manually select the minumum and maximum moisture content scale values on the blows vs. moisture chart. If this box is unchecked, the program will select the scale for you.