Particle size distribution chart reports may be customized by selecting Options > Program Setup and then clicking on Chart Reports underneath Grain Size in the navigation list at the dialog's left side:
Report title
The chart report title is a single line of text shown at the top of the report. Typically the title reads Particle Size Distribution Report
or Grain Size Distribution Report -- ASTM D422
Chart reports usually include an area for reporting a description of the sample (e.g., Brown sandy clay
) with a title such as Soil Description
. If the material being tested is aggregate, the sample description may be labeled Type of Aggregate
(or alternatively, a more generic title such as Material Description
) by entering the new label into the Label sample description as field.
Print fineness modulus with testing remarks
This option appends the calculated fineness modulus (see ASTM C136 or AASHTO T 27) to the end of the testing remarks on test reports. Note that the user is responsible for selecting a sieve nest that corresponds to AASHTO's specification -- LabSuite adds the total percentage of material retained on any of the following sieves: 6", 3" 1.5", 3/4", 3/8", #4, #8, #16, #30, #50 and #100 and divides the sum by 100. If sieves are missing from the list, the resulting fineness modulus will not be compliant with C 136.