The Calculated Values selection on the Settings dialog (Options > Program Setup then click on Calculated Values underneath Grain Size Distribution in the navigation list at the dialog's left side) includes several options that affect how grain size distribution calculated results are reported:
Material larger than gravel is
When reporting the percent of material larger than gravel, the program can label the percentage as either +3", +75mm, or Cobbles. (The difference is purely semantical and does not result in any change in calculated results.)
Minimum reported diameter sizes (in mm.): D60
Specifies the smallest calculated diameter that will be reported for D60. If the diameter calculated as D60 is smaller than the specified minimum reported diameter size, the software will not report a D60 value.
Minimum reported diameter sizes (in mm.): D80+
Specifies the smallest calculated diameter that will be reported for D80, D85, D90 and D95. If the calculated diameter is smaller than the specified minimum reported diameter size, the value will not be reported.
Percentages: Report to
Determines the number of decimals to which percent finer/percent coarser (i.e., percent passing/percent retained) values will be reported.
Report #200 and smaller to 1 decimal if less than 10%
ASTM C136 and AASHTO T 27 specifies that material percentages are to be reported to the nearest whole number, with the exception that if the percentage passing the #200 sieve is less than 10% it should be reported to the nearest 0.1%. If the Report #200 to 1 decimal place if less than 10% option is selected, the program reports the #200 percentage, and smaller sieves and all hydrometer results, to 1 decimal place if the percentage is less than 10. This option is unavailable if all percentages are reported to 1 place (see above).
Particle statistics on summary reports
When Folk & Ward (Phi units> is selected LabSuite will include the mean, median, sorting, skewness, and kurtosis graphical statistics parameters on grain size data summary reports.
Additional D-Values
These are a set of boxes that, when checked, causes additional D-values (the particle diameter at which a given percentage of the tested material is smaller that; e.g., D16 is the particle diameter at which only 16% of the tested material is smaller) to be reported on the test's summary report. Note that this setting does not affect particle size chart reports.