D6913 involves a variable number of different sample mass measurements, depending upon whether and how many times the original sample is split during the test.
- If you've chosen the option to enter container weights as tare IDs, all of sample masses requested by the program can be entered with a Tare ID instead of a tare weight.
Tests Without a Sample Split
A test that was not split (i.e., "single sieve-set sieving") requires the following masses:
- The mass of the sieve sample. This is entered into the Pre-sieving masses box, shown below:
- The masses retained on each sieve.
- Optionally, the mass in the pan at the bottom of the sieve stack. (LabSuite can add this mass plus the mass retained on each sieve, then subtract the total from the original sample mass to determine the amount of material lost during sieving.)
Tests With One or More Sample Splits
A test that involves one or more sample splits (i.e., "composite sieving") has a different set of requirements:
- The mass of the material passing the first separation sieve. This is the "fines fraction" mass called out in the figure below.
- If the sample is not dried, a moisture content test on the material passing the first separation sieve is required. (This is the "Fines fraction" moisture content called out in the figure above.
- If your test included a second separation step (giving you two coarse samples and one fine sample), the program will of course need the mass of the sample passing the second separation sieve. This mass is entered in the highlighted box shown in the following figure:
- For each sieve stack, the following masses are required:
- Prior to sieving, the sieve sample can be washed (this is a different procedure than washing the complete, pre-split sample). If the sample is washed, you'll need the pre and post-wash sample weights. If the sample was not washed, only the tested sample weight is required.
- The masses retained on each sieve.
- Optionally, the mass in the pan at the bottom of the sieve stack.
Composite Test — Second Separation Sample Mass
The following diagram shows the flow of samples through a composite D6913 test:
Technician, test remarks, and test date
These items are part of D6913's mandatory reporting requirements. Note that, if you enter a Technician, LabSuite will automatically add the name to a popup selection list of technicians.
Once you've entered your sample masses and technician/test remarks/test date, it's time to enter your sieves and weight retained on each sieve. Click here for further instructions.