If you washed your entire test sample over a #200 sieve before doing the sieve test, by entering the after-wash sample weights into the boxes under the If you washed the sample over a #200 sieve, enter the post-wash weights here heading . LabSuite uses your #200 wash data as follows:
- The amount washed through the sieve is printed on data summary reports as an alternate #200 percentage value.
- The weight of the material washed out is used in calculating percent-retained values for post split-sample sieves (see the program's technical documentation for details).
- If you don't enter data for a #200 sieve as part of your sieve test data, LabSuite will use the percent washed out an the minus #200 value when it charts your test data.
- If you did not wash the complete sample over a #200 sieve prior to performing a standard sieve test, press Enter without typing anything into the Dry sample and tare weight (grams) field.